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Commercial Olympic Benches

Commercial Olympic Benches

What is an Olympic Bench? Quite simply, an Olympic bench is a bench with built on supports that are wide enough to take a 7' bar. Whether it is; a flat bench, incline bench or decline bench, or like this one, a shoulder press bench, with wide spaced upright bar supports, we'll refer to as an Olympic Bench.
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Commercial Adjustable Benches

Commercial Adjustable Benches

Commercial heavy duty adjustable benches are weight training benches suitable for free weight dumbell exercises or for use within a commercial squat rack of power cage. We only put our name to the best designs and quality adjustable benches in the UK.
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Other Commercial Benches

Other Commercial Benches

Here we have Commercial Gym Benches that don't fall into the Olympic Bench or Adjustable Bench groups. Everything from a commercial flat bench to preacher curl and bent over row benches made to meet the demands of the heaviest duty gyms and Forces.
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