Fitness Equipment


Treadmills and running machines. Full commercial treadmills through to home use treadmills. Folding treadmills for limited space, club series treadmills for light commercial use in hotels and leisure clubs, through to heavy duty commercial treadmills. Let us help you choose the right treadmill for your needs at the best price. Our carefully selected fitness equipment brands offer the best quality and service from the worlds leading and most respected names in the industry. We wouldn't put our reputation on the line by offering the latest bargain basement brands from China that don't have the support and backing to provide a life long after sales service for spares and repairs so why should you?
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Elliptical Trainers

An elliptical trainer or cross trainer as it's sometimes called is right up at the top of the list when it comes to exercise equipment. The balance between treadmill users and elliptical trainer users is equally balanced. Each exercise machine has it unique points and if having both machines in your gym is an option then go for the very best you can stretch your budget to.
It is far better to purchase a single high quality elliptical trainer or running machine than spend the same amount on 2 inferior items which won't last and will give an awkward and inefficient movement during use.
Of course, every commercial gym has no option but to have a commercial elliptical trainer, it's as important as a treadmill and of course we have models to suit light commercial use through to heavy duty gym and rehabilitation use.
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Rowing Machines

Buying a rowing machine needs a little more consideration than an exercise bike or treadmill. Any exercise machine usually brings with it a mental boredom that kills off any motivation or desire to exercise, this is very true for a rowing machine. If the rower isn't smooth in operation, comfortable in use and doesn't display sufficient and accurate data relating to your workout then boredom sets in. Sure you can use music or TV to help occupy the mind, but if your rower is too noisy you can only exercise when no-one else can be upset. The rowers we chose to sell provide a range of features and suitability for home or commercial use, making sure your rower remains a key part of your home fitness regime or gives continuous active service with minimal maintenance in a commercial gym environment.
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Steppers Climbers

As steppers, climbers, tread climbers, versa climbers are thin on the ground we have added all exercise machines that come under such a description into the same catalogue section. You will also notice there isn't any division between commercial or domestic as there isn't really such thing as a domestic stepper, well, not one we would consider any use to man nor beast (at time of writing). Previously the fantastic versaclimber was given it's own section on our old web site but now I have decided to keep it where it is more likely to be appreciated and given the greater exposure it deserves.
Likewise with the brilliant LifeFitness summit trainer. A great new design that will prove to be a big hit in any commercial gym or fitness center.
The Versaclimber, what can I say, unique and never copied but through the combined hand and leg "ladder climbing" motion it must be one of the best designs for a single piece of fitness equipment ever.
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Exercise Bikes

Exercise bikes for home and commercial use - Whether looking for an indoor bike for home, club or full commercial use we have a full range. Our entry bike offered is the minimum we would recommend. BH-Fitness offer a bigger selection and take the range through to the top end of the domestic market and on into the commercial range. Several other brands offer commercial bikes and we will add any new domestic models as we find them and providing they meet our strict quality requirements.
Recumbent and specialist bikes have their own sections, specialist being anything that doesn't fall into the previous categories some are often known as "Spin Bikes" however we can't call them that as the term has a European trademark registered to Mad Dogg Athletics, Inc. so we call them Indoor Cycling Bikes as per Wikipedia and our range of indoor cycling bikes will be growing as we find great quality units.
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Recumbent Bikes

Recumbent exercise bike, the name alone makes for a smile, but don't be deceived, the recumbent bike is no joke! For anyone with a weight problem, perching on top of the tiny seat of an upright exercise bike is going to be uncomfortable at best; then there's the usual slight lean forwards that most regular upright bikes force you to adopt, again not a good idea especially if excess weight has caused back problems. Enter the Recumbent Bike; with it's wide bucket seat and back rest it is perfect for the job. Another factor you may not know is that by having the legs out in front of the body rather than underneath brings the glutes and hamstrings into play to a greater extent allowing greater power to be pushed through the pedals. More Power = More Calories used !
Now you know! Try one the first chance you get!
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