
Adjustable Kettlebells

If space is an issue, or you're a PT on the move, an adjustable kettlebell could be the answer. From price-saving plate-loadable kettlebell handles to light-commercial selectable kettlebells, check out our range.
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York Hercules Cast Kettlebells

York Hercules Kettlebells represent an economical alternative to their industry leading cast steel handle cast kettlebells that are the toughest and most robust kettlebells on the market. However where price is more important than quality and durability the Hercules cast iron kettlebells were introduced to offer a more economical but still commercially rated kettlebell.
A great range of attractively simple weights make these a superb and cost effective alternative whilst still maintaining the York quality branding.
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Steel Handled Cast Iron Kettlebells

These Cast Iron Kettlebells are extremely tough and very durable, suitable for full commercial use. Unlike many of the Chinese kettlebells these handles are encapsulated by the cast body during the casting process. This means there is absolutely no chance of the handles coming away from the kettlebell body, it also means neither kettlebell nor handle is weakened through having steel handles welded onto the cast body.
Steel handles are also not as thick as fully cast kettlebells where the handle is formed with the body making them perfect for men and women of all sizes, also being steel the handles are far more uniform in texture and dimension than cast handles.
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Rubber Coated Cast Kettlebells

Adding to our range of Kettlebells we've added in this section for rubber coated kettlebells (type 1) with welded steel handles. This range proves to be very popular in gyms and personal training studios where the rubber coating affords not only protection to the surface of the kettlebell keeping them looking better for longer and resistant to the chipping of paint or other surface finishes as well as a bit more protection to hard floors (tiles etc) if used at home.
The steel handles on these kettlebells are welded to the cast iron body which can become a weak point if dropped or abused but this design offers a balance of cost against outright strength of other steel handled or fully cast offerings and are still classed as a commercial product by their manufacturer.
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Traditional Full Cast Iron Kettlebells

Traditional one piece Cast Iron Kettlebells. These kettlebells are made in the traditional way of being cast as a single component of body and handle being one and the same. Other variations available are steel handles either cast into the kettlebell body (exceptionally strong) or welded onto the outside of the body (weakest design).
Being cast as a single component eliminates any structural weakness bought about by welding 2 dissimilar metals together. Welding cast iron is always a structural gamble which will inevitably cause a point of weakness so a single casting enables the molten iron to form a uniform crystalline structure as it cools evenly.
The cast handle also affords a natural grip unless heavily painted to mask defects. These particular Kettlebells also come in the largest range of weight options which might make a big difference to your choice.
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Vinyl Coated Full Cast Kettlebells

Vinyl coated cast iron kettlebells are cast in one piece as per traditional cast kettle bells but the kettlebell body is dipped in liquid vinyl to give it an extremely tough protective shell. Vinyl is significantly more resilient to damage than a rubber coating and affords the other benefit of enabling the colour coding of kettle-bells depending on their weight.
Colour coding of weights is great for exercise classes where a user might not remember the weight of the kettlebell they used previously but might well remember the colour.
Very often colour coding conforms to what appears to be internationally recognised format. For example ski runs and many martial arts which go down in grade from black, red, blue green...
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Jordan Cast Kettlebells

New for 2017 is the Jordan Fitness range of Cast Kettlebells. Re-designed giving large numbers etched into the body, these cast kettlebells present a reasonable range of sizes at the same time as offering a basic kettle-bell design and style.
Finished with a matt black powder coating to they offer a new alternative to the existing range of Jordan Kettlebells.
The redesigned shape is claimed by Jordan to have improved the balance and comfort. due in part to the absence of the shoulder caused by welding the handle to the cast body as with their original rubber/chrome design; whether this has an effect on comfort is a little doubtful but a single piece cast kettle bell is likely to be stronger than anything with welded handles due to the difficulties associated with welding cast iron.
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Jordan Chrome Rubber 2017

New Jordan Leisure have re-designed their Rubber/Chrome Kettlebells and come up with something that is similar to the original Jordan Rubber/Chrome Kettlebells only now they have a more slick design with the same bold etched numbering on the side of the kettlebell for ease of identification and shaped for comfort and balance but notably without any logo or branding making these rubber coated kettlebells more able to sit amongst other kettlebell ranges.
Coated with a premium grade rubber, The chrome plated handles are welded to the cast body which can potentially lead to a weak point if subjected to abuse and mis-use however the abuse would have to be significant and as such would be likely to damage a fully cast kettlebell possibly to a greater degree so don't let that point put you off as all Jordan fitness equipment is fated for full commercial use and these rubber/chrome kettlebells are no exception to this rule.
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Jordan Competition Kettlebells

Competition Kettlebells are far from the most popular kettlebells we sell as they fulfill a role within a very niche market. Being made to a very specific set of dimensions the handles are narrower than a more general purpose kettlebell and as such they aren't particularly suitable for general kettlebell exercises (double hand swings for example) but for anyone entering competitions where a tight kettlebell specification is required then any of our competition ranges should meet the requirements.
Typically competition kettlebells are all made of cast steel so thre'es very little to choose between brands other than price at the end of the day.
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Neoprene Coated Cast Kettlebells

Range of neoprene coated cast iron kettlebells from Jordan fitness. The neoprene coating on the body of the kettlebell offers increased protection against accidental damage of both the cast iron body and any hard floors they may come into contact with. Another benefit of neoprene protection is that being softer than either rubber coated or vinyl coated kettlebells they give an increased comfort level to the user especially when swinging the kettlebell into the set position resting on the users forearm as seen when performing a kettle bell clean or kettle-bell snatch for example.
The increase protection given by the softness of a neoprene covering also means they more susceptible to being damaged through contact with hard/sharp objects compared to a rubber coating or the tougher vinyl coating.
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