5ft, 6ft & 7ft Steel Olympic Bar (700lb loading)

This item is also available in the following categories:
5ft, 6ft or Olympic Bar with Bearings (300kg rated)
Choose from 5ft, 6ft or 7ft Steel Olympic Bar with Bearings. The 7ft bar can be used on power racks and olympic benches, the 5ft and 6ft bar cannot as the collars on these bars are too narrow to sit on Olympic spaced lift off hooks. All three bars are suitable for commercial freeweight use. Great price makes this product ideal for schools, clubs and other light commercial use aswell as domestic home and garage gyms.
The 5ft and 6ft bar have a 30mm diameter shaft, the 7ft bar has a 32mm shaft .
These are good quality entry level bars designed for static use in commercial gym environment. They are not suitable for dropping and should not be left racked and heavily loaded after use this may cause the bar to bend. This bar is tested to 300kg against bar failure, not minor bending, which if occured would be permanent as the bar is not made of sprung steel.