WaterRower make the world renowned water rowing machine, which is a joy to use whatever your level of fitness - beginner to advanced. Quite often chosen due to it's looks and small storage space, the WaterRower is uncompromising in the quality of row it offers. Coupled with this, we (GymRatZ) have been selling WaterRower water rower's since 1999 with little or no service issues. Plus, as you'll see on Ebay, the rowers last and last and, subsequently, 8 year old models with old monitors fetch almost as much money as brand new. WaterRower is the ONLY commercial rowing machine we would recommend for domestic or full commercial use and it's stands head and shoulders over all the other copies and clones. There is one one real Water Rower and it's called WaterRower :¬) by Pete Walker |
62 products from £10.00 to £7,199.00
rated 4.78
out of 5 based on 42 reviews for this brand.